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  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#1楼
    Have you got any ? http://www.helloartdept.com/wordpress/stmap_64mvltdi.html?viagra.clopidogrel.betagan ivermectin 10 mg uses in hindi  Saudi Arabian princess Meshael Alayban, 42, behind bars, listens to advice from defense attorneys Paul Meyer (not pictured) and Jennifer Keller (R) while in court for an arraignment hearing in Santa Ana, California July 11, 2013.
  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#2楼
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  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#3楼
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  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#4楼
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  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#5楼
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  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#6楼
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  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#7楼
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  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#8楼
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  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#9楼
    Now here’s the big question. 
     We see this in literature all the time. 
    Because let’s face it, perseverance is the key to success in life. 
    Opportunities don’t happen. 
    Washington’s message was that it’s wiser to be upfront and deal with the consequences. 
    Other Common Examples of Aphorisms 
    Now you might be asking. 
    As they say, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 
    How many times have you heard one of the following aphorism examples. 
    If you do, you agree with George Herbert’s famous aphorism from his book, Outlandish Proverbs. 
    Examples of Aphorisms for Success 
    Examples of Aphorism in Politics 
    Washington also said, It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one. 
    Interestingly enough, this saying was initially intended as a compliment. 
    Not so much. 
    It’s time.
  • 游客
    游客 2010-10-26 00:12#10楼
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